Will We Be Able To Finalize A Parenting Plan Through Mediation?
The entire divorce process can be finalized through mediation without ever getting attorneys involved. It is up to the individuals whether or not they wish to consult with an attorney at any time. The parents can construct a timesharing plan and calculate child support. All that is submitted to the court, as is the marital settlement agreement, for final approval by a judge.
Can A Mediator Be Used To Perform A Modification After A Divorce Has Been Finalized?
Mediators in Florida are able to help people with modification of all issues. If there is someone whose job changes and their ability to successfully complete the parenting plan that was previously agreed upon has changed, a motion for the modification of the timesharing plan can be fully negotiated and settled in mediation. The judge would simply need to sign the agreed upon modification order. This allows people to not get embroiled in the court system and not have to face any type of litigation.
How Can I Best Prepare For An Upcoming Mediation Of My Divorce?
Most preparation comes prior to the contact with a mediator. Once someone makes contact with me, I answer whatever questions they have with regards to mediation, discuss the process with them, and send some forms for the parties to fill out prior to the mediation, which helps them get organized and prepare a list of living expenses. Beyond that, there is a list of assets and liabilities on a form that is sent for people to list their assets and liabilities on, so that those can be addressed in mediation.
Can Complex Divorce Cases Be Handled Through Mediation?
All divorce cases can be handled in mediation. A general misunderstanding is that if people don’t agree on the issues, they cannot go to mediation. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, in Florida, mediation is required for a contested divorce and the courts will order the two parties to mediation before setting a trial date. Mediation gives the parties the opportunity not only to be involved in the decision making, but also to save thousands of dollars in legal fees and a year or more of time.
For more information on Finalizing A Parenting Plan Through Mediation, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get more information by calling (407) 834-5800 today.

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